Connecting the MD22 to the USB-I2C interface
The following example demonstrates how to connect the MD22 dual motor controller
to the USB-I2C interface .
For the example I used the following free software:
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition - Available as a free
download from Microsoft here: Visual Express
Connection diagram
Make sure you have the switches set for I2C address &HB0 (all switches on) for this example.
The complete project is available for download here:
Source code for Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express
' Example for interfacing a USB-I2C to a MD22
using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition ' written by C Clarke Nov 2008 Public Class
Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' Show all available COM ports. For Each sp As String In My.Computer.Ports.SerialPortNames comportselect.Items.Add(sp) 'adds COMX to listbox called "comportselect" Next comportselect.Text = "Select COM Port" 'adds the message when program is first loaded End Sub ' the routine below is executed by a timer at a 100ms interval Private Sub READMD22(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If (USB_I2C.IsOpen) Then ' checks that a port has actually been opened to talk down SerBuf(0) = &H55 ' Command for Devices with 1 internal address SerBuf(1) = &HB1 ' MD22 I2C address + low bit set to indicate its a read operation SerBuf(2) = 0 ' start from register 0 SerBuf(3) = 8 ' and read 8 registers (0-7) USB_I2C.Write(SerBuf, 0, 4) ' send the read command to the USB-I2C module read_i2c(8) TrackBar1.Value = SerBuf(1) TrackBar2.Value = SerBuf(2) TrackBar3.Value = SerBuf(3) TextBoxSpeed1.Text = SerBuf(1) TextBoxSpeed2.Text = SerBuf(2) TextBoxAcceleration.Text = SerBuf(3) TextBoxVersion.Text = SerBuf(7) End If End Sub Private Sub comportselect_SelectedItemChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles comportselect.SelectedItemChanged If (USB_I2C.IsOpen) Then 'if program has previously opened a COM port, start by closing it USB_I2C.Close() End If Try USB_I2C = My.Computer.Ports.OpenSerialPort(comportselect.Text, 19200, 0, 8, 2) ' attempt to open a new COM port Catch 'catch open failures Return End Try USB_I2C.ReadTimeout = 100 'we will only arrive here on successfull open init_md22() End Sub Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll If (USB_I2C.IsOpen) Then SerBuf(0) = &H55 ' Command for Devices with 1 internal address SerBuf(1) = &HB0 ' MD22 I2C address + low bit clear to indicate its a write operation SerBuf(2) = 1 ' speed1 at register 1 SerBuf(3) = 1 ' only 1 data byte SerBuf(4) = TrackBar1.Value USB_I2C.Write(SerBuf, 0, 5) ' send the write 5 bytes from serbuf command to the USB-I2C module read_i2c(1) End If End Sub Private Sub TrackBar2_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar2.Scroll If (USB_I2C.IsOpen) Then SerBuf(0) = &H55 ' Command for Devices with 1 internal address SerBuf(1) = &HB0 ' MD22 I2C address + low bit clear to indicate its a write operation SerBuf(2) = 2 ' speed2 at register 2 SerBuf(3) = 1 ' only 1 data byte SerBuf(4) = TrackBar2.Value USB_I2C.Write(SerBuf, 0, 5) ' send the write 5 bytes from serbuf command to the USB-I2C module read_i2c(1) End If End Sub Private Sub TrackBar3_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar3.Scroll If (USB_I2C.IsOpen) Then SerBuf(0) = &H55 ' Command for Devices with 1 internal address SerBuf(1) = &HB0 ' MD22 I2C address + low bit clear to indicate its a write operation SerBuf(2) = 3 ' acceleration at register 3 SerBuf(3) = 1 ' only 1 data byte SerBuf(4) = TrackBar3.Value USB_I2C.Write(SerBuf, 0, 5) ' send the write 5 bytes from serbuf command to the USB-I2C module read_i2c(1) End If End Sub Private Sub init_md22() SerBuf(0) = &H55 ' Command for Devices with 1 internal address SerBuf(1) = &HB0 ' MD22 I2C address + low bit clear to indicate its a write operation SerBuf(2) = 1 ' speed1 at register 1 SerBuf(3) = 2 ' send 2 data bytes, speed 1 and speed 2 SerBuf(4) = 128 ' speed1 SerBuf(5) = 128 ' speed2 USB_I2C.Write(SerBuf, 0, 6) ' send the write 6 bytes from serbuf command to the USB-I2C module read_i2c(1) End Sub Public Sub read_i2c(ByVal count As Object) Dim byte_count As Byte Do While (byte_count < count) ' get the data bytes Try USB_I2C.Read(SerBuf, byte_count, 1) Catch USB_I2C.Close() 'timeout for response, close the port! TrackBar1.Value = 0 TrackBar2.Value = 0 TrackBar3.Value = 0 TextBoxSpeed1.Text = "" TextBoxSpeed2.Text = "" TextBoxAcceleration.Text = "" TextBoxVersion.Text = "" Return End Try byte_count = byte_count + 1 Loop End Sub End Class |
The complete project is available for download here: